Paw Prints

Monday, November 10, 2014

Building Process and Strategy

Mondays are my day to try and expound or extol or ex-something to shed more light on SQL and it’s pros and cons.  This may be a tougher situation to tackle on a Monday than a sum up of the week, as my weekends are usually free of SQL.  I will say this, however.  I’ve been listening to a LOT of books (I listen to audiobooks as I hardly ever set any time apart to read, so listening is how I have to feed the rest of my head), and many of the business books I’ve been pushing through have talked about forming strategies and then sticking to them.  I’ve been trying to apply this to query and report building, as I have always tended to more of a shotgun approach rather than a rifle; a scattered, hope something sticks pursuit rather than a narrow, step by step.  It’s a detriment that I’ve been working on probably for the last 12 months.  Agile development practices have helped me get started, especially giving myself a 3 point to do list every workday to push towards, but I really need to put something into templates or systemization of reports.  I’ll keep you posted on how this continues to develop, as it is a process I think we all work towards (or at least us hounds who doggedly pursue bigger better things).  Keep digging until that bone is firmly in teeth, my fellow hounds!

Woof woof,

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