Paw Prints

Friday, October 31, 2014

SQL Poetry Friday #1

I'm going to start out by saying that my promised review of SQLSaturday is now two weeks overdue.  Woof, that's too long and we will make it happen.  I do want to now and every future Friday to be a fun post that throws a weird wrench in people to get them thinking.  So here is the first of many poems written in,  what else, SQL. Ahem:
FROM universe.galaxy.system.planet
WHERE person = 'You'

Ah, that was great!  It's a love poem to my wife,  but feel free to give it to the dev you desire.

Woof, woof.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

SQLSaturday St. Louis Approaches!

Man, I am just psyched up about getting back to another SQLSaturday! Being in a completely different city makes it a challenge to find an IRL group of like minded people.  So, I was grateful to find that there was a need for volunteers willing to work the event.   This way I get to serve the community as well as meet people face to face. If you live in St. Louis, or anywhere holding an event,  please go. The seminars,  the people,  and perhaps least important,  the raffles, all are there for you to grow and experience.

I'm intending to write reviews for each talk I attend, and of course, I will put some code up soon here at Hounds Haven. Also in the works is something that I wish I had starting out, but am developing for anyone
starting a career in database development.

Woof woof,